Pokhara University Scholarship Syllabus of MSc Entrance Examinations : Complete Syllabus for all Streams - engineeringnepal.com.np - Engineering Nepal, The complete engineering website.

Pokhara University Scholarship Syllabus of MSc Entrance Examinations : Complete Syllabus for all Streams


Pokhara University

Faculty of Science and Technology

Entrance Examination Curriculum

Master of Science in Computer Engineering/Computer Science/ Information System Engineering

Total marks: 150                                                                                                            Qualifying marks: 53

Time: 3 hrs

Entrance curriculum mainly covers common topics of all streams covering Mathematics and Computational Foundation of Bachelor’s level.
Weightage (%)

Fundamentals of Mathematics

Computational Foundation


Section A: Fundamental of Mathematics

1.      Basic of Set, Continuity, Derivative, Vector and Scalar: Set and functions, limit, continuity and differentiability of functions, Integration by using different integration techniques, standard integrals, definite integrals parts, vectors and scalars, resolution of vectors, scalar and vector product of two and more vectors, gradient, divergence, curl and directional derivative of vectors.

2.      Linear Algebra: Definition and basic properties of matrices and determinants Rank of matrix, system of linear equations, inverse of a matrix, Eigen values and Eigen vectors.

3.      Infinite series: Definitions of sequence and infinite series, the necessary conditions for convergence of an infinite series, test of convergence, alternating series test.

4.      Fourier series: Periodic functions, Fourier series on the functions of period 2Ï€, Euler’s formula, Fourier series of a function having arbitrary period, even and odd functions and their Fourier series, half range functions

5.      Laplace transformation: Laplace transform, Application of Laplace transform, Inverse Laplace transform, Convolution theorem on Laplace transform and application, Differential ewuation (ODE and PDE).
6.      Z-transform: Definitions, one-sided and two-sided z-transform, linear time invariant system, Unit impulse function, properties of z-transform, region of convergence, inverse z-transform by residue and partial fraction, Parseval theorem, convolution.

7.      Nonlinear Equations: Review of calculus and Taylor’s theorem, errors in numerical calculations, trial and error method, Bisection method, Newton’s method, Secant method

8.      Introduction of Descriptive Statistics: Presentation and classification data frequency distribution, histogram, measures of central tendency -mean, median, mode, quartiles and percentiles, measures of dispersion (variability).

Section B: Computational Foundation

1.  Programming Paradigms:

C     Programming: - Procedural programming, structured programming, Object-oriented programming, control structures, function, arrays, pointers, functions, preprocessor directives, C libraries, Macros, Header files and prototyping.

Object-oriented programming: - Classes and Methods, Message, message passing formalization, message passing syntax in C++, mechanism for creation and initialization (constructor and its types), Issues in creation and initialization: memory map, memory allocation methods and memory recovery, Object Inheritance and Reusability, Template and generic programming- template classes, template functions.

2.      Computer Architecture and Organization: CPU organization, register organization, Instruction cycle, Computer Arithmetic, Instruction sets, addressing modes, Control Unit-hardwired control Unit, micro-programmed control unit, Cache memory- catch principle, mapping catch memory, write policy, replacement algorithms, Input-output organization-programmed I/O, interrupt driven I/O, Direct memory access, RISC vs. CISC, RISC pipelining, parallel processing- parallelism in uni-processor system, multiprocessor system and their characteristics, Flynn's classification, Cache coherence, vector processing and array processor, multi-core organization, dual core and quad core processors.

3.      Operating system and concepts: Operating system concepts and functionalities, operating system structure, process states and transition, process control block (PCB), inter-process communication, critical regions and conditions, mutual exclusion, Dekker's and Peterson's algorithm, Dead lock, dead-lock avoidance, detection and prevention, threads, advantage of threads, process scheduling techniques, paging, segmentation, Distributed operating system-network architecture, Asynchronous Transfer Mode, Client-Server model.

4.      Object-oriented Software Engineering: Software process and framework, process models, Agile development, Extreme programming, Scrum, Software modeling, quality management and testing, CMMI.

5.      Database Management System: Need of DBMS, concept of DDL, DML and DCL, ER Model, UML class diagram, relational algebra, schema and views, SQL, normalization and normal forms, security.

Pokhara University

Faculty of Science and Technology
Entrance Examination Curriculum

Master of Science in Construction Management/Master of Science in Structural Engineering/

Master of Science in Transportation Engineering and Management

Total marks: 150                                                                                                            Qualifying marks: 53

Time: 3 hrs

Entrance curriculum mainly covers common topics of all streams covering Engineering Economics, Project Engineering, Construction Management, Engineering Professional Practice, Transportation Engineering and Structural Engineering of Bachelor level.
Weightage (%)

Engineering Economics

Project Engineering

Construction Management

Engineering Professional Practice

Transportation Engineering

Structural Engineering


Section A: Engineering Economics:

Interest and Time Value of Money, Payback Period, Net Present Value, Internal Rate of Return, External Rate of Return, Benefit Cost Analysis, Financial and Economic Analysis, Breakeven Analysis, Sensitivity Analysis, Law of Demand and Supply.

Section B: Project Engineering:

Definition and Characteristics of Project, Project Cycle, Types of Project, Feasibility Analysis, Project Proposal, Bar Chart, CPM, PERT, Resource Levelling, Project Monitoring and Control, Earned Value Analysis, Time Cost Trade off Analysis, Capital Budgeting Techniques, Capital Structure Planning.

Section C: Construction Management:

Construction Management Framework, Material Management, Construction Equipment, Job Layout, Method of Contract, Types of Contract, Request for Proposal, Expression of Interest, Bidding Document, Tender Notice, Bid Evaluation, Conditions of Contract, Contract Document, Running Bill, Project Completion Report, Personnel Management, Project Maintenance, Health and Safety at site.

Section D: Engineering Professional Practice:

Ethics and Profession, Code of Conduct, Professional Associations, Nepal Engineering Council Act, Liability and Negligence, Professional Liability Insurance, Detailed duties of Engineers, Types of Business Organizations, Labor Law, Intellectual Property right.

Section E: Transportation Engineering:

1.                  Traffic Engineering and probability and statistics:

Ø  Traffic Study: traffic volume, parking, speed, accident study, Traffic characteristics,

Ø  Traffic control devices,

Ø  Highway capacity,

Ø  Street lighting, intersection design

Ø  Concepts of probability, mean, standard deviation, variation, Poisson’s Binomial distribution, Normal distribution, sampling theory, linear regression and correlation

2.                  Highway Design:

Ø  Geometric design of highways: design criteria,

Ø  Design of cross-sections, vertical and horizontal alignment

Ø  Hill roads

Ø  Design of side drains

3.                     Pavement design and construction:

Ø  Traffic consideration,

Ø  Design procedures for Flexible and rigid pavement,

Ø  Road Construction activities: preparation of sub-grade for cut and fill embankment section

Ø  Construction of bituminous pavement

Ø  Construction of rigid pavement

Section F: Structural Engineering:

Structural Analysis:

1.                   Static and kinematic indeterminacy of 2D and 3D structures
2.                   Strain energy due to axial force, shear force, bending moment and torsion

3.                   Displacement of structures by strain energy method, unit load method, castigliano’s method, integration method, conjugate beam method, moment area method

4.                   Determination of maximum and absolute maximum shear force and bending moment using ILD method

5.                   Axial force, shear force and bending moment diagrams in three hinged parabolic and circular arch

6.                   Analysis of parabolic cables

7.                   Analysis of three-hinged stiffened girder

8.                   Analysis of indeterminate structures by consistent deformation method, slope deflection method, flexibility method, stiffness matrix, and direct stiffness matrix

Design of RCC Structures:

1.                   Differences between Working Stress Method, Ultimate Load Method and Limit State Method

2.                   IS 456-2000 requirement for RCC structural design

3.                   Limit State Method (LSM) based on IS Code: Partial safety factors, Characteristics strength and loads, Design strengths of materials, Assumptions made on LSM, Analysis and design of singly and doubly reinforced section, Flexural design, Shear design, torsional design

4.                   Detail analysis and design of one way and two way slabs, simply supported beam, Continuous slab/beam, Cantilever beam/slab with LSM

5.                   Detail analysis and design of different types of short and slender columns with LSM

6.                   Detail design of isolated, combined and raft footings with LSM

Design of Steel and Timber Structures:

1.                   Design methods of Steel Structure (i.e. LSM and WSM)

2.                   Analysis of Bolted and Welded joint

3.                   Net cross sectional area of tension member.

4.                   Design concept of Tension and Compression Member (LSM)

5.                   Design concept of lug angles (LSM)

6.                   Design concept of lacing and battens (LSM)

7.                   Column splices and column bases (LSM)

8.                   Stiffened and unstiffened steel beam (LSM)

9.                   Elements of Plate Girder

10.               Load on roof truss and Design of Purlin (LSM)

11.               Timber beam and column (WSM)

Concrete Technology and Masonry Structures:

Introduction of concrete and its ingredients: Cement, Aggregates,   water, mineral

admixtures and chemical admixtures (sources, composition, processing, quality checks and

their effect on quality of concrete)

2.                   Mix design methods (Nominal, DOE and IS standard design methods)

3.                   Methods and required quality control on selection of ingredients, batching, mixing, transportation, placing, compaction, curing in normal as well as in extreme weather

4.                   Different types of concrete: Ordinary concrete, Light weight concrete, Heavy weight concrete, Self compacting concrete, Shotcrete, Fibre reinforced concrete, polymer concrete, Latex-modified concrete, Ferrocement concrete, Vacuum concrete, Sulphate infiltrated concrete

5.                   Properties of hardened concrete: Hydration and strength gaining process, modulus of elasticity, transition zone, inter-relationship between strength-porosity-gel/space ratio-W/C ratio, creep and shrinkage, fatigue and impact, different types of strengths with their inter-relationships and their respective testing methods including non-destructive tests, grade of concrete and its determination method based on IS
6.                   Durability of concrete: permeability, Alkali-aggregate reaction, Rusting of reinforcement bars and Chemical attack

7.                   Load bearing and non load bearing masonry structures

8.                   Reinforced and unreinforced masonry structures

9.                   In-plane and out-plane behavior of masonry walls

10.               Failure behavior of masonry wall in lateral loads

11.               Diagnoal and NDT of masonry elements

Pokhara University

Faculty of Science and Technology

Entrance Examination Curriculum

Master of Science in Environmental Management/ Master of Science in Interdisciplinary Water Resources Management/ Master of Science in Natural Resources Management/Hydropower Engineering

Total marks: 150

Time: 3 hrs

Qualifying marks: 53

Entrance curriculum mainly covers common topics of all streams covering Verbal Ability, Fundamental of Mathematics, General Awareness, Environmental Management, Basic Water Science, Water Engineering and Management, Natural Resources Management and Environmental & Resources Management Issues and Agencies related to Bachelor level and equivalent.
Weightage (%)

Verbal Ability

Fundamental of Mathematics

Environmental Management

Basic Water Science and Engineering

Natural Resources Management
Environmental and Resources Management Issues and Agencies


Section A: Verbal Ability:

Article, Voice, Reported speech, Tense Contrast, Events in rapid succession (No sooner…than/had only just…when), Correct form of verbs, Stress/Intonation, Causative verbs, Question tag, Sentence transformation ( Negative/Positive, Verbal/Wh etc), Decision and intentions, Suggestions/Advice, AmE/BrE English words, Connectives, Right order/ Wrong order with Tenses, Singular/Plural nouns, Subject verb agreement, Relative clause, Expressing new experience, Co-relative conjunctions, Homophones/homonyms, Sense verbs with bare infinitive and gerund, To +infinitive

&    gerund, Discovering similarities, Conditional sentence, Requests & Offer, Prepositions, Word formation, Parts of speech, Degrees of Adjectives, Verbs and their forms, Synonyms & Antonyms, Identification of Simple, Compound and Complex sentences, Formal and informal words/sentences, Slang/Colloquial/Derogative words, English language or literature related quotations, Standard academic abbreviations ( IELTS, GRE, GMAT, SAT etc), Single word for personality traits, Standard vocabulary ( Kleptomania, chauvinism, supercilious, rationalize etc), General Knowledge on current affairs of the globe.

Section B: Fundamental of Mathematics

Basic Mathematics (Numbers: Fractions, Decimals and Percentages; Ratio and Proportion; Roots and Power; Logarithms; Progressions; Elementary Geometry; Elementary Trigonometry; Introductory Set Theory) Algebra (Polynomial, Equations and Inequalities; Simultaneous equations and solutions; Elementary Linear Programming, Vector Algebra); Calculus (limits and continuity,

differentiation, integration, ordinary first order linear differential equation, partial differential equation), Introduction of Probability and Statistics, Permutations and Combinations.

Section C: Environmental Management:

Concept of Environmental Chemistry, Air pollution: sources, types, gaseous and particulate matter, smog, greenhouse effect, acid rain and ozone depletion. Water pollution: types, sources and classification of water pollution, ground water pollution, marine water pollution. Concept of DO, BOD, CODS their effects on flora and fauna. Soil pollution: sources and types – classification of soil pollutants, effects of pollution on soil, to health and productivity. Sewage – municipal sewage, lake/pond, river water.

Section D: Basic Water Science and Engineering

Physical properties, Fluid pressure, Equilibrium stability of floating bodies, Fluid kinematics, Classification of fluid flow, Dynamics of flows, Euler's equation, Bernoulli's equation, Navier stokes equation Boundary layer theory, Momentum equation, Open channel flow, Uniform and Non uniform flow, Energy & momentum principle for open channel flow, Flow in mobile boundary channel, Flow over notches & weirs, Gradually varied flow, Hydraulic Jump and its analysis, Similitude and physical modeling, Physical hydrology, Surface runoff, Rainfall-runoff correlation, Hydrograph Analysis, Unit hydrographs, Peak flow estimation, History and status of hydropower development in Nepal, Various laws, issues and constraints in hydropower development, Principle and components of hydropower plant, Hydropower potential, Classifications of hydropower plant

Section E: Natural Resources Management:

Natural resources and associated problems, Forest / mineral resources: Use and exploitation, environmental effects of extracting and using mineral resources. Food resources: World food problems, changes caused by agriculture and over-grazing, effects of modern agriculture, fertilizer-pesticide problems. Energy resources: growing energy needs, renewable and non-renewable energy sources, use of alternate energy sources. Land resources: land as a resource, land degradation, man induced landslides. Conventions related to global warming, climate change and ozone depletion.

Section F: Environmental and Resources Management issues and Agencies:

General knowledge of environment, geography, environment / water law and regulations; National Environmental Protection Guideline, Concept of Environmental System, Environmental Impact assessment process and its requirement. Global water and climate issue, major agencies/organizations working on it. National policy and plan for water resource management. Agencies / Institutions working for water resources development and management in Nepal.

Pokhara University

Faculty of Science and Technology

Entrance Examination Curriculum

Master of Science in Electrical Engineering in Power System

Total marks: 150                                                                                                            Qualifying marks: 53

Time: 3 hrs

Entrance curriculum mainly covers common topics of all streams covering Fundamental of Mathematics and Electrical Engineering of Bachelor’s level.
Weightage (%)

Fundamentals of Mathematics

Electrical Engineering


Section A: Fundamental of Mathematics

1.      Basic of Set, Continuity, Derivative, Vector and Scalar: Set and functions, limit, continuity and differentiability of functions, Integration by using different integration techniques, standard integrals, definite integrals parts, vectors and scalars, resolution of vectors, scalar and vector product of two and more vectors, gradient, divergence, curl and directional derivative of vectors.

2.      Linear Algebra: Definition and basic properties of matrices and determinants Rank of matrix, system of linear equations, inverse of a matrix, Eigen values and Eigen vectors.

3.      Infinite series: Definitions of sequence and infinite series, the necessary conditions for convergence of an infinite series, test of convergence, alternating series test.

4.      Fourier series: Periodic functions, Fourier series on the functions of period 2Ï€, Euler’s formula, Fourier series of a function having arbitrary period, even and odd functions and their Fourier series, half range functions

5.      Laplace transformation: Laplace transform, Application of Laplace transform, Inverse Laplace transform, Convolution theorem on Laplace transform and application, Differential ewuation (ODE and PDE).

6.      Z-transform: Definitions, one-sided and two-sided z-transform, linear time invariant system, Unit impulse function, properties of z-transform, region of convergence, inverse z-transform by residue and partial fraction, Parseval theorem, convolution.

7.      Nonlinear Equations: Review of calculus and Taylor’s theorem, errors in numerical calculations, trial and error method, Bisection method, Newton’s method, Secant method

8.      Introduction of Descriptive Statistics: Presentation and classification data frequency distribution, histogram, measures of central tendency -mean, median, mode, quartiles and percentiles, measures of dispersion (variability).

Section B: Electrical Engineering

1.         Electrical Circuits and Fields: KCL, KVL, Nodal & Mesh analysis, transient response of D.C and A.C networks; sinusoidal steady-state analysis; resonance in electrical circuits; concepts of ideal voltage and current sources, network theorems, driving point admittance and transfer functions of two port network, three phase circuits; Fourier series and its application; Gauss theorem, electric field intensity and potential due to point, line plane and spherical charge distribution, dielectric, capacitance calculations for simple configurations;
Ampere’s and Biot-Savart’ law, inductance calculations for simple configurations.

2.         Electrical Machines: Single phase transformer equivalent circuit, phasor diagram, tests, regulation and efficiency; three phase transformer –connections; auto transformer; principles of energy conversion, windings of rotating machines; D.C generators and motors-characteristics, starting and speed control, armature reaction and communication: three phase induction motors-performance characteristics, starting and speed control; single-phase induction motors; synchronous generators – performance, regulation; synchronous motors – starting characteristics, applications, synchronous condensers; fractional horsepower motors: permanent magnet and stepper motors.

3.         Power Systems: Electric power generation thermal, hydro, nuclear; transmission line parameters; steady –state performance of overhead transmission lines and cables and surge propagation; distribution system, insulators , bundle conductors, corona and radio interferences effects; per-unit quantities; bus admittance and impedance matrices; load flow; voltage control and power factor correction; economic operation; symmetrical components, analysis of symmetrical and unsymmetrical faults; principle of over current, differential and distance protections; concepts and solid state relays and digital protection; circuit breakers; principles of system stability –swing curves and equal area criterion; HVDC system – Principle of operation, control and design consideration, HVDC circuit breaking; FACTS - Reactive power control, Uncompensated transmission line, Series compensation, SVC, thyristor controlled series capacitor, static synchronous compensator, UPFC and applications.

4.         Control Systems: Principles of feedback; transfer function; block diagram; steady –state errors; stability-Routh and Nyquist criteria; Bode plots; compensation; root loci; elementary state variable formulation; state transition matrix and response for Linear time Invariant systems.
5.         Power Electronics and Drives: Semiconductor power devices-diodes, transistors, thyristors, triacs, GTO, MOSFETs and IGBTs-static characteristic and principles of operation; triggering circuits; phase control rectifiers; bridge converters-fully controlled and half controlled; principles of choppers and inverters, basic concepts of adjustable speed dc and ac drives.

6.         High Voltage Engineering: Causes of overvoltage and its effects on power system Lightning, switching surges and temporary overvoltage – concepts of reflections and refraction of travelling waves. Dielectric breakdown- Gaseous breakdown – Vacuum breakdown, Corona discharges – Generation of high voltage, High current and its measurements – DC, AC, impulse voltages; High Resistance with series ammeter – Dividers, Resistance, Capacitance and Mixed dividers – Peak Voltmeter , CVT, Electrostatic Voltmeters

– Sphere Gaps – High current shunts; High voltage testing of electrical power apparatus as per International standards – Insulation Coordination.
7.         Electric energy – Conservation and utilization: Fundamentals of Electric drives choice and applications; traction motors – characteristic features – electric braking train movement and energy consumption; Design of illumination systems and various lighting schemes; Electric heating – methods of electric heating and its types – Electric welding - Principles of the conversion of solar radiation into heat; Solar Collectors-flat-plate collectors

– concentrating collector – cylindrical parabolic; Wind energy conversion system – basic principles – site selection – basic components – Classification of WECS – Types of wind machines.


  1. please provied the old question collection of MSC

  2. What is the question pattern?? All objectives as in bachelor entrance or subjective either??
